Friday, 19 February 2016

Aged 4 Years, Boy in Egypt Jailed for Life

                                Kids four years in Egypt was sentenced to life imprisonment

       CAIRO - A boy who was only four years in Egypt was sentenced to life in prison for murder. That was the case, when the boy was two years old when large demonstrations broke out in Cairo.
The boy who was not even old enough to enter elementary school (SD) was named Ahmed Mansour Karni. He was sentenced by a court in absentia this week at a military court in Cairo to the west.
The boy was one among 116 people who were sentenced to identical.
In addition to the murder charge, he was also accused of disturbing the peace and destruction of state-owned facilities when the protests took place in January 2014.
According to the Middle East Eye, in court, Karni was charged with four counts of murder, eight counts of attempted murder, destruction of property belonging to the Egyptian Health Administration, threatening the army and police and the destruction of the Egyptian security forces vehicles.
His lawyer, Mohammed Abu Hurira, quipped the boy case may prove that "Egypt was ruled by a madman".
"There is no justice in Egypt," said Hurira, told the Jerusalem Post. "There is no excuse. The logic of suicide some time ago. Egypt is crazy. Egypt was ruled by a bunch of crazy people," he said.
Another lawyer, Faisal a-Sayd, thrusting the child's birth certificate in court to prove the defendant is not old enough. However, the judge did not read it.

"The birth certificate is the son of Ahmed Mansour Karni served after the state security forces to add his name to the list of the accused, but later the case was transferred to a military court and sentenced to children in the trial in absentia next," said a-Sayd.
"This proves that the judges do not read these cases," he added.
Amnesty International reported that Karni is not the first child who was sentenced to life imprisonment. The organization reported that in November, a court in Alexandria punish prison against 78 children, of whom aged two and five years for participating in a demonstration supporting-deposed president Mohamed Morsi of Egypt.

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