Saturday, 20 February 2016

Number of child soldiers ISIS increased

                                                   Number of child soldiers ISIS increased

WASHINGTON - A report from researchers at Georgia State University said the number of children ISIS members killed in the past year doubled from previous estimates. The report was based on a study the researchers against ISIS propaganda and eulogies over 13 months. That number indicates if the number of child soldiers ISIS increased.
In the report, 89 boys aged 8 to 18 years old were killed in a number of different battles. The researchers also found that the number of children involved in an operation that has tripled compared to 2014.
"Almost certainly ascertained the actual number could be more. The total is only based on the publication conducted by ISIS at the end of last year," said Charlie Winter, one of the authors of the report as quoted by the BBC, Friday (19/02/2016).
From these data, Winter said that the number of children recruited by ISIS to be soldiers quite alarming. The majority of them come from Syria and Iraq. While others have come from Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Libya, and a small amount of the UK, France, Australia, and Nigeria.
"There is no way we imagine the world after ISIS, unless we really can think carefully about how we are going to demobilize, disarm and reintegrate our children into normal life

Saturday ,20 Februari 2016 

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