Saturday, 20 February 2016

Trump to the Paus: When ISIS Attack Roma, you pray I am the President

                         Paus Franciskus (left) and Donald Trump involved in a "war" of words

WASHINGTON - Candidates presidential candidate (candidates) United States (US) Donald Trump called non-citizens do not accept Christianity by Paus Franciskus (Francis) for anti-immigrant rhetoric. Trump then wished when ISIS stormed Rome, the Pope will pray he became US president.

Strong criticism of Paus  Franciskus on Donald Trump came up when he was asked by reporters about the attitude of the anti-immigrant Trump will build a wall at the border in the US.

Someone who thinks only to build walls, wherever they are, and do not build bridges, not citizens Nasran. It does not exist in the Gospel, "the Pope said on the way home from Mexico, told Reuters on Friday (02/19/2016).

Trump did not accept the Paus harsh criticism, accusing Vatican leaders as shameful figure. The reason, the class character of religious leaders can question a person's faith.

Trump then imagine a time Paus Franciskus prayed he became president, when ISIS overran Rome.
"If and when the Vatican attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is a major trophy ISIS, I can promise you that the Paus just hope and pray that Donald Trump will be the president, because (invasion ISIS) this will not happen," said Trump in a statement.

"For a religious leader who question a person's faith is embarrassing. I am proud to be a Christian and as a president (later) I'm not going to let the residents Christians consistently attacked and weakened, unlike what is happening now, with our current president, "said US presidential candidate of the Republican Party.
Saturday , 20 Februari 2016

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